Membership FAQ


How do I cancel my membership subscription on the original (old) membership site and migrate to the new site?

Scenario1: I have a full-access membership that I pay for monthly. I don’t use sex ed video access. 

What to do: 

  1. Follow this link to get your first month free on the new membership site. 
  2. Cancel your membership subscription on the old platform. 

To cancel, go to My Account, click on Subscriptions, then click “view” to the right hand side of your subscription transaction information. Click the “Cancel” button on the next page next to the subscription you want to cancel. This will cancel your subscription. Email us at [email protected] if you are unsure if you did it right.

Scenario 2: I have a full-access membership that I pay for monthly. I DO use sex ed video access. 

  1. Follow this link to get your first month free on the new membership site. 
  2. Cancel your membership subscription on the old platform. 

To cancel, go to My Account, click on Subscriptions, then click “view” to the right hand side of your subscription transaction information. Click the “Cancel” button on the next page next to the subscription you want to cancel. This will cancel your subscription. 

3. Email us at [email protected] and we will re-activate your sex ed video access. 

Scenario 3: I have full-access membership that I paid for YEARLY. 

  1. Email us at [email protected] with the following information and I will help you get setup on the new site. 

-The email your account is setup with

-The date your subscription began (so I know how many months you have paid for left)

-Also, let me know if you care about keeping sex ed video access.


How do I begin a membership on the new site?

Follow this page and purchase the product you desire - free membership, full access membership (monthly) or full access membership (yearly).  


How do I cancel a membership subscription on the new site?

You can manually cancel your subscription from your account, following these steps:

  • Log in to your account.
  • Click on your Avatar from the page header.
  • Select Settings from the dropdown.
  • Click Billing Info in the top right of the page:



  • Select the Cancel button.

After you click Cancel, they will be prompted to confirm your cancellation.

Once confirmed, You can view your canceled subscription and access end date in your Billing Information. 



  • Click Manage Subscription in Paypal

You will then be redirected to your PayPal account in the Payments tab. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log into your PayPal account.

  • Click Payments in the top menu.
  • Select Manage automatic payments under the "Automatic payments" section.
  • Select the merchant whose agreement they want to cancel in the left sidebar.
  • Click the Cancel button.
  • Confirm your wish to cancel and click Cancel Automatic Payments:

Once confirmed, your subscription payments will be inactive and you will no longer receive payments for the subscription. 


After you cancel your subscription

After you cancel your subscription, you will lose access to membership at the end of the current billing cycle. You can view your canceled subscription and access end date in your Billing Information.


Will I still be able to access the Healing Jealousy and Creating Epic Relationships programs that I had purchased on the old site, on the new site?

As of now, our programs are still on our old site. Membership is the only thing that is on the new platform at this time. We are in the process of migrating our programs over and as we do, we will give you access to them on the new site. Meanwhile, you can still access Healing Jealousy and Creating Epic Relationships on the old site. 


Does the new site have sex education video access?

No. We are in the process of building a new sex education site on another platform. For now, use your old login to access sex ed videos on the old site, as you have been. If you are having trouble accessing them, email us at [email protected]


Can you explain how content is organized on the membership site?

Each membership path is split into sections, where there are videos and exercises grouped together. We have created a flow for each membership path that we believe will be a good order for members to go through. When there is a video that relates to an exercise, we especially recommend completing them at the same time. If you notice that a particular video topic or exercise is not resonating with you at that time, we encourage you to go onto the next one and come back to it at a later time. 


Have Another Question?

Email us at [email protected]


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