How to create the relationships you love and always want to be in
Feeling like you’re not in the relationships you want to be in? You’re not alone. You can create relationships you love, and this course will show you how.
Improve your relationships with this 6-part program
The Creating Epic Relationships course is for anyone who wants to have better relationships. This is a comprehensive 6-part online program that walks you through the creation of healthy, vibrant, and fulfilling relationships. It explains why relationships are so hard and how to fix that. You will learn what it takes to create a vibrant, fulfilling relationship with yourself, and how to share your own authenticity, love, and joy with those around you.
Topics covered include:
Chapter I: What’s Holding You Back from Creating Epic Relationships?
Chapter II: Make Yourself Happy So You Can Make Others Happy
Chapter III: How to Build Consistently Deep Relationships
Chapter IV: The Love Language of Jealousy
Chapter V: How to Be Authentic in Your Relationships
Chapter VI: The Art of Appreciation: How to Bring the Most Joy into Your Relationships
Most Frequently Asked Relationship Questions:
In this segment Conor & Brittany discuss common queries and topics including "How to make long distance relationships work", "Why are relationships so hard?", "Why do people stay in toxic relationships?", "What causes one-sided relationships", "Why rebound relationships fail", and more.

Satisfy your true love relationship needs
If you’re looking to take your relationship to the next level, then this program is for you.

Upgrade your relationship from good to great
Dive deeper into your emotional experience of your relationships and how you show up in them.

Receive step-by-step guidance
Dive deeper into the process of self-discovery, emotional intelligence, and communication in order to have a profound impact on you and those around you.
Embrace your authenticity and become the most fulfilled you
Learn how to communicate your feelings and needs so you can bring more authenticity, intimacy, and fulfillment into your relationships. If you're ready to begin a journey of self-discovery and transformation that will enable you to experience and share the love you've always wanted, then this is right for you. This program could help you transform your relationships with the people that matter the most to you.
Get Started
6-Part Online Program
Introduction & Intentions
Connection & Communication
Diving Deeper: Support & Openness
Jealousy & Compersion
Safety & Freedom
Appreciation & Celebration

Each Section Includes
A main video explaining the topic of the section
A written explanation of the section
2-3 Exercises to guide you through practicing the theories of the section

Real life raw processing videos
2 Bonus videos
Supplementary videos for deeper learning we encourage you to check out
Empower your relationships, no matter what they look like
“You two truly created change in my life with this program. I needed someone(s) to help me collect my thoughts about relating and connecting with others. I feel so free and empowered now that I’m not feeling guilty about my relationship needs.”
"Thank you! My husband and I are working through your epic relationships course and it has been so amazing to make space for each other in a way that feels so safe. Our connection feels intimate in new and exciting ways we could not have anticipated."
“You two are so beautiful! You have permanently altered my view of relationships and have almost raised my expectations of what I'd like to give and receive within them. Thank you for your lovely, raw videos!”
Experience Growth and Joy
Are you ready to make real changes in your relationships? Sign up for our relationship course today. Our program is a 6-part online course with videos, writings, and exercises to help you improve your relationships with your partner(s).
Get Started - $199